Saturday, June 14, 2008

In Response

RYS has a post up today regarding an opinion on how not every student should be in college. While this is the PC sentiment this is one that I totally agree with. In the past when I have voiced this opinion I have been Poo-Pooed "Oh, but everyone deserves an education." My response is "Really? Does everyone DESERVE an education."

I like chocolate cake. This is like me saying I deserve chocolate cake. Since I want some I should get it regardless of whether I am willing to put the time in, gather the ingredients, mix it together correctly and bake it. If I am not willing to do that then someone else should just give me some.

Frankly that is bullshit. If a student is not up to par in my class, cannot read or write, they do not deserve an "A" because they did not earn it. Do I find it sad? Yes, I do, however that does not mean I am going to push them along, it is not fair to them. After all, as an employer do you want a student who cannot form a coherent thought, I know I don't.

1 comment:

IPG said...

I made the mistake of expressing a similar opinion in an education course.

You would have thought I suggested that women should no longer be allowed to vote or that the Holocaust never happened by the responses I received.