Thursday, May 1, 2008

Share My Pain

This is the first post of what I hope will be an entertaining blog about my trials and tribulations (and even some triumphs) in regards to my adventures in the world of adjuncting in online education.

A little about me, I am a lowly paid adjuncter currently working for one major university while I desperately troll with my net to pull more universities into my boat. In addition I have a private practice (with not as many clients as I would like) and a job in public education that doesn't quite pay the bills. When I put all of these jobs together I manage to scrape by while beating what I am sure is a stress wrinkles and an ulcer back under the surface of my consciousness. *lol*

I am not entirely sure what I will discuss, the usual gripes, snowflakes, lazy students, plagiarizers and liars. If you have something you would like to share I am open to hearing about it, after all as we all know misery loves company!


Unknown said...

Whoa honey, you're working too much for too little. Keep looking for those online teaching jobs and soon you can dump the full time public school job (I used to teach in public schools too). Have you looked into teaching in virtual high schools? It's another way to get experience and add to your paycheck and network. Getting jobs online is all about networking.

Visit my blog and please add it to your favorite blog list here. I've added your blog to my blog list.

Nice to meet you!

Unknown said...

Here's my blog --